IL CONO D’OMBRA [The Shadow Cone] Decolonial narratives of Overseas
Curated by Marco Scotini
Saturday 25 June 2022 - Thursday 25 August 2022
Castel Nuovo | Maschio Angioino - Napoli

From 25 June, Castel Nuovo will be hosting Il Cono d’Ombra, a project by Andrea Aragosa for Black Tarantella (Naples) and FM Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea (Milan), in collaboration with the University of Naples "L'Orientale", sponsored by the Naples Council, Campania Region, and by the Mostra D'Oltremare.

The Unexpected Subject<br>1978 Art and Feminism in Italy
curated by Marco Scotini and Raffaella Perna
Thursday 04 April 2019 - Sunday 26 May 2019
FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi 10 Milano

The exhibition proposes for the first time a wide-ranging investigation and a precise reconstruction of the relationship between visual arts and feminist movement in Italy, identifying in 1978 the catalyst year of all energies in play (not only in Italy). The exhibition is realized thanks to the collaboration of Mart, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto and Frittelli arte contemporanea, and opened during the Milan Art Week, in conjunction with miart, International Modern and Contemporary Art Fair of Milan. Media partner and catalogue: Flash Art. The exhibition is sponsored by Dior.



The Szechwan Tale
China, Theatre and History
Thursday 12 April 2018 18:00 - Sunday 15 July 2018 23:30
FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi 10 Milano

Opening hours:

from Wednesday to Friday 5-10 pm

Saturday and Sunday 11 am-6 pm


free admission -


Guided tours and other days / times by reservation - with the opportunity to visit the Open Care restoration laboratories.

Il Cacciatore Bianco / The White Hunter
African memories and representations
Curated by Marco Scotini
Friday 31 March 2017 - Tuesday 06 June 2017
FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi 10 Milano

The exhibition is open until June 6th, 2017, from Wednesday to Saturday, from 2 pm to 7.30 pm.

Free entrance.


Non-Aligned Modernity <br> Eastern-European Art from the Marinko Sudac Collection
Thursday 27 October 2016 - Friday 23 December 2016
FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi, 10 Milano

Curated by Marco Scotini, in collaboration with Lorenzo Paini and Andris Brinkmanis

26 October 2016 - opening event

FM Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea’s exhibition program continues with a second event, once again concerning an artistic scene that is less known and yet to be discovered. Despite the international prestige of some of its representatives, this is an almost submerged reality but one that represents an exceptional contribution to the history of art in the second half of the twentieth century.



L’Inarchiviabile/The Unarchivable. Italia anni 70
Friday 08 April 2016 - Wednesday 15 June 2016
FM Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea - Via Piranesi 10 Milano

Curated by Marco Scotini in collaboration with Lorenzo Paini. The exhibition presents both a critical review and, at the same time, a widespread survey of the Italian artistic scene in the 1970s with works and historic documents aiming to investigate a great heterogeneity of artistic and editorial formats and which reveal, amongst this vast multitude of forms of collective statements, new linguistic devices and a plurality of subjectivities.

The Severed Language<br>Nanni Balestrini, Gianni Pettena, Gianni Emilio Simonetti
curated by Manuela Gandini
Thursday 04 April 2019 - Friday 07 June 2019
Laura Bulian Gallery - via Piranesi 10 Milano

The exhibition The Severed Language deals with the fragmentation of language aimed at re-create alternative imaginations and new relationships of meaning. Nanni Balestrini, Gianni Pettena and Gianni Emilio Simonetti have different poetic languages and practices, but since the sixties each has worked towards subverting language by taking phrases and words from newspapers, manuals, comics, institutions and adverts to transform them into bodies that are foreign to their original context.

Nikita Kadan, Anastasia Potemkina<br>The body of Attis will not decay
Tuesday 04 December 2018 18:30 - Friday 01 March 2019
Laura Bulian Gallery - via Piranesi 10 Milano

opening 4 December, 2018 at 18.30

04.12.2018 — 01.03.2019


critical essay by Andrey Shental


image: Nikita Kadan, Protection of Plants, 2014-15, courtesy Laura Bulian Gallery

Vyacheslav Akhunov<br>Red Mantra
Thursday 12 April 2018 20:00 - Friday 06 July 2018 23:00
Laura Bulian Gallery - VIA PIRANESI 10 MILANO

Vyacheslav Akhunov

Red Mantra

A cura di Marco Scotini

12.04 – 06.07.2018

Opening 12.04 , ore 20

immagine: Vyacheslav Akhunov, Red Mantra USSR. We will come to the victory of the Communist labor, 1979, Courtesy Laura Bulian Gallery

Life from my window
Thursday 19 October 2017 - Friday 26 January 2018
Laura Bulian Gallery - FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi 10 Milano

The Laura Bulian Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition Life from my window, curated by Andrey Misiano, that studies the contemporary experience of artists who were born in the Caucasus during the Soviet period yet that are rapidly losing touch with their socialist past.


The exhibition will open on thursday, October 19th 2017, at 6.30 pm

Africa Blues <br>Achille Mauri
Curated by Microclima
Friday 31 March 2017 - Saturday 29 April 2017
temporary space - FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi 10 Milano

The exhibition Africa Blues includes five parts on the documentary series Mal d’Africa, realised by Achille Mauri in the mid-seventies. The exhibition at Frigoriferi Milanesi is the second chapter of Magia d’Africa, presented at Serra dei Giardini in Venice.

The five sections (Wizards of the Rain - Black Magic - Traditional Medicine - Voodoo, a Religion - Africa Magic) observe culture and tradition of Dahomey, exploring magical-phytonic rituals and religious ceremonies; they show how the knowledge of plants, roots, leaves and their composition is the foundation of traditional medicine.

The exhibition will be open until April 29th, 2017, from Wednesday to Saturday, from 2 pm to 7.30 pm. Free entrance.

Luca Maria Patella <br> autoEncyclopédie:
A cura di Marco Scotini
Thursday 30 March 2017 - Friday 23 June 2017
Laura Bulian Gallery - FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi 10 Milano

After more then thirty years, Luca Maria Patella, returned to Milan with a wide exhibition dedicated to the visual word and writing along the entire course of his activity, from the '60s until today. The exhibition autoEncyclopédie by Luca Maria Patella aims at being a sort of anthology of Patella's work, seen at this phase through writing.

The exhibition will be open until 23.06.2017, from Monday to Friday, from 3 pm to 7 pm. Free entrance.

Non-Aligned Art
Marinko Sudac Collection
Wednesday 22 March 2017 - Sunday 25 June 2017
Ludwig Múzeum - Komor Marcell u. 1 Budapest (H)

FM Center for Contemporary Art is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition "Non-Aligned Art. Marinko Sudac Collection" on March 22nd at the Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art in Budapest.

After the success of Non-Aligned Modernity. Eastern-European Art from the Marinko Sudac Collection presented at FM Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea (10.27 – 12.23.2016), the exhibition arrives in Budapest in a revised adaptation by the curator Marco Scotini.

Neon Paradise - Shamanism from Central Asia
Thursday 09 February 2017 - Friday 17 March 2017
Laura Bulian Gallery - FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi, 10 Milano

The Laura Bulian Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of Neon Paradise. Shamanism from Central Asia a group exhibition devoted to post-Soviet shamanic practices in contemporary central Asian art. The exhibition consists of installations and photographs by Vyacheslav Akhunov (Uzbekistan, 1948), Said Atabekov (Kazakistan, 1965), Saodat Ismalieva (Uzbekistan, 1981), G.Kasmalieva & M.Djumaliev (Kirghizistan, 1960 and 1965) and Alexander Ugay (Kazakistan, 1978). Furthermore, documentary records will be exhibited giving a preview of performances by the Kazakh group Kyzyl Traktor, founded in Shymkent in 1991 by the artists Said Atabekov, Smail Bayaliev, Moldakul Narymbetov, Arystanbek Shalbayev and Vitaliy Simakov.

Opening February 9th, 2017 at 18:30

Michele Zaza. Opere / Works 1970-2016
Thursday 27 October 2016 - Friday 23 December 2016
FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi, 10 Milano

FM Centre for Contemporary Art has invited Galleria Giorgio Persano to organize an exhibition in the temporary space of the centre from October to December 2016. The Turin-based gallery presents the exhibition Michele Zaza. Opere / Works 1970-2016, curated by Elena Re. This important exhibition runs through the highlights of the expressive research of Zaza, from the beginning up to the current production. The curatorial idea is in fact to emphasize the centrality of the artist in a debate that looks to the present time.



Ugo La Pietra
Critical essay by Marco Scotini
Wednesday 26 October 2016 - Friday 27 January 2017
Laura Bulian Gallery - FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via G. B. Piranesi, 10 Milano

The Laura Bulian Gallery is pleased to announce the forthcoming exhibition The Degrees of Freedom by Ugo La Pietra, the artist's first solo exhibition at the gallery as its inaugural show of the new season in Milan. The exhibition brings together a series of works the artist created during the 70s – one of La Pietra's most innovative and productive decades – which are now attracting renewed interest both among the public at large and in the art world. 

Thursday 07 April 2016 - Wednesday 15 June 2016
FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi, 10 Milano

Curated by Monitor, P420, SpazioA.

Monitor, P420 and SpazioA join together for a new project: a unique event, three galleries, a choral show. In an approximately 800 square meters space located inside the FM Center for Contemporary Art (a new art center promoted by the Milanese Open Care), the show will present a tightened dialogue between artists of different generations. Among the artists presented: Eric Bainbridge, Franco Guerzoni, Benedikt Hipp, Nicola Samorì, Claudio Verna for Monitor; Luca Bertolo, Chiara Camoni, Francesco Carone, Giulia Cenci, Esther Klas, Piotr Lakomy for SpazioA; Riccardo Baruzzi, Irma Blank, Rodrigo Hernández, Paolo Icaro, Joachim Schmid, Alessandra Spranzi, Franco Vaccari for P420.

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