Michele Zaza. Opere / Works 1970-2016
a cura di Elena Re
FM Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea - via Piranesi, 10 Milano

FM Centre for Contemporary Art has invited Galleria Giorgio Persano to organize an exhibition in the temporary space of the centre from October to December 2016. The Turin-based gallery presents the exhibition Michele Zaza. Opere / Works 1970-2016, curated by Elena Re. This important exhibition runs through the highlights of the expressive research of Zaza, from the beginning up to the current production. The curatorial idea is in fact to emphasize the centrality of the artist in a debate that looks to the present time.



In addition to a large number of artworks, the exhibition also includes a rich selection of documents by the artist and aims to be an in-depth analysis of a research initiated with the exhibition L’Inarchiviabile / The Unarchivable, organized by FM Centre for Contemporary Art in the Spring 2016.

Opening October 26, 2016
Image: Michele Zaza (2013), Photo Paolo Pellion, Courtesy Galleria Giorgio Persano

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